We take care of the management and access to a resource as valuable as it is scarce, which is why our systems contemplate the efficient use of it.
We are aware of the importance and scarcity of this resource, since we have plantations in arid areas of southern Spain, (Andalusia), where the effective and efficient use of water is a strict necessary obligation that we have internalized
Training involves the practical application of assimilated knowledge and experience as well as its transfer to local human capital that participates in the projects.
The Gia-Idea partners will have a permanent physical presence in the project execution areas, and they will participate actively and directly in their different phases, including training.
Technology is presented as the difference between one more project, and a good, effective, efficient, forward-looking project.
The latter is our option, which we channel through our technical office in Angola, which will incorporate an R + D + I department.